God is way beyond our human concepts. There is no way to comprehend God at this point in our spiritual evolution. We have total free will completely boundless. We individually and collectively have created various ideas of God that have been helpful in our evolution towards love, and others towards fear and hate. Three-dimensional reality, that is physical reality up to this point has been a lesson in self limitation. And collective beliefs in unworthiness. Its purpose may be to awaken the individual, as well as the collective to the idea that our minds create our reality. That our beliefs are all equally true and valid. Because none are endorsed or condemned by the Divine. By the same token no perceived evils are endorsed by the devil or Satan. Perhaps everything is fundamentally neutral. God isn't stamping 40% approval on Catholics, and 25% approval on the Baptist. The Buddhists aren't getting 70% of divine approval nor are the Hindus being backed by a mere 7%. Again by the same token, Anton LaVey and Satanism are not backed or approved by Satan. God equally approves of all beliefs, and in fact supports the individual and collective 100% no matter how destructive the belief or rituals may be.
So why would God do this? Why would he allow such evil to be carried out in his “name” ? Because, He has given us complete free will. Physical reality or physical experience is far from our primary state of reality. Its purpose may be training us to realize that “believing is seeing” not the other way around. That our Imaginations can create our future. Beliefs may have vibrations attached to them and consistently produce a certain type of experience. This would explain why a portion of people from every religion find happiness and peace. While a portion experience lives full of hatred and fear. Why is this? If there was one absolute, objective God then, this could not be. Many Buddhist and even atheist live their lives much more like Jesus than do many Christians. Maybe our lesson here is to realize that monotheism or the belief in objective reality and an absolute God creates a world of ungodly people. Think about it, most wars are practically all in the name of an absolute God. The idea that my God is the right God and yours is not, has not served us. As we said before these are just man’s ideas, man made beliefs, doesnt mean its true or healthy to believe. God does not endorse this way of thinking any more than he does a more relative perspective. People die every day in the name of God because beliefs are that strong. Any belief that is attached with the belief that God endorses a certain religion or way of thinking is a very powerful thing. As we said before the intention of the suicide bomber. The Islamic extremists, is the same as the Buddhist pacifist. Their intentions both are to do God's will.
So what is the difference between the two? I propose that the only difference are their belief systems. One has just bought into a more extreme and violent idea of God. Again God does not approve or disapprove of such zealous and extreme beliefs and actions. The Islamic extremist is a good example of how certain beliefs typically result in certain outcomes. Every person on this planet currently, was born in the last 120 years. We were all born into a world where war was the norm. We were raised in conditioned to believe it a necessity. Modern materialism and consumerism also greatly affected the way we view ourselves and the world. This is representative of where our collective is at this moment in time. Now imagine if we were born into a world where War no longer existed. Where love unity and acceptance were the norm. Would we not then be conditioned much differently with this more evolved collective conventional beliefs? The answer to this seems very obvious of course we would. The real question however is does God need to return and save us to create heaven on earth? Is this imaginary utopia only possible through divine intervention? Or is it simply a matter of different beliefs? In time, will this age of information release us from our ignorant, self-created hell? Look at the last 300 years of our history. See how we have evolved towards love and peace. See how many hurtful beliefs are no longer part of conventional thinking. The age of Enlightenment was much more “Godly” than any religious movement. The United States Constitution has very little to do with Christianity and almost completely to do with the ideas that arose from the age of Enlightenment. These ideas were primarily created around reason, logic, intuition, personal experience and independent thinking. Almost none of the men who created the age of Enlightenment were religious, and neither were our founding fathers.
Many were Freemasons, and Deist who believe that God does not interfere whether good or bad here on earth. So we come full circle to see that some of the most brilliant and wise men of recent history concluded that God did not interfere with the troubles of man. God did not endorse nor oppose any of the holy wars nor any of the stretches of peace. A wise man once said “I'd like to ask God why he allows starvation, wars, and murders to happen, but I'm afraid He will ask me the same question.” Our current world is mesmerized by the illusions of the “Flesh”. This is what Jesus meant when he spoke of “the world” and “the flesh” would become hypnotized by the bright colors sounds and emotions from the exterior experience. That we have forgotten the inner One. The exterior experience is only half of life. The inner experience is Our True nature, the “Image of God” we are all created in. The formless, the spirit, the eternal.
Where as the external experience is mortal and on borrowed time. Seeking truth in the interior experience is the only way you can find peace happiness and fulfillment and understanding in the exterior experience. It is impossible to do it the other way around. All esoteric or ancient wisdom centers around the inner path the inner truths being “the Way” and this then changing the individual's exterior experience. These ideas of inner experience and subjective truths appear to be suppressed to a great deal in today's Western society. Why have we forgotten these things? The logical motive for its repression is the same motives as the Catholic Church had with the Gnostics and the Cathars. This is why they killed them. Because their ideas threaten the power structure of both the church and state. The idea that man does not need a priest to know God nor a king to rule over him are dangerous notions to the powers that be.
So why would God do this? Why would he allow such evil to be carried out in his “name” ? Because, He has given us complete free will. Physical reality or physical experience is far from our primary state of reality. Its purpose may be training us to realize that “believing is seeing” not the other way around. That our Imaginations can create our future. Beliefs may have vibrations attached to them and consistently produce a certain type of experience. This would explain why a portion of people from every religion find happiness and peace. While a portion experience lives full of hatred and fear. Why is this? If there was one absolute, objective God then, this could not be. Many Buddhist and even atheist live their lives much more like Jesus than do many Christians. Maybe our lesson here is to realize that monotheism or the belief in objective reality and an absolute God creates a world of ungodly people. Think about it, most wars are practically all in the name of an absolute God. The idea that my God is the right God and yours is not, has not served us. As we said before these are just man’s ideas, man made beliefs, doesnt mean its true or healthy to believe. God does not endorse this way of thinking any more than he does a more relative perspective. People die every day in the name of God because beliefs are that strong. Any belief that is attached with the belief that God endorses a certain religion or way of thinking is a very powerful thing. As we said before the intention of the suicide bomber. The Islamic extremists, is the same as the Buddhist pacifist. Their intentions both are to do God's will.
So what is the difference between the two? I propose that the only difference are their belief systems. One has just bought into a more extreme and violent idea of God. Again God does not approve or disapprove of such zealous and extreme beliefs and actions. The Islamic extremist is a good example of how certain beliefs typically result in certain outcomes. Every person on this planet currently, was born in the last 120 years. We were all born into a world where war was the norm. We were raised in conditioned to believe it a necessity. Modern materialism and consumerism also greatly affected the way we view ourselves and the world. This is representative of where our collective is at this moment in time. Now imagine if we were born into a world where War no longer existed. Where love unity and acceptance were the norm. Would we not then be conditioned much differently with this more evolved collective conventional beliefs? The answer to this seems very obvious of course we would. The real question however is does God need to return and save us to create heaven on earth? Is this imaginary utopia only possible through divine intervention? Or is it simply a matter of different beliefs? In time, will this age of information release us from our ignorant, self-created hell? Look at the last 300 years of our history. See how we have evolved towards love and peace. See how many hurtful beliefs are no longer part of conventional thinking. The age of Enlightenment was much more “Godly” than any religious movement. The United States Constitution has very little to do with Christianity and almost completely to do with the ideas that arose from the age of Enlightenment. These ideas were primarily created around reason, logic, intuition, personal experience and independent thinking. Almost none of the men who created the age of Enlightenment were religious, and neither were our founding fathers.
Many were Freemasons, and Deist who believe that God does not interfere whether good or bad here on earth. So we come full circle to see that some of the most brilliant and wise men of recent history concluded that God did not interfere with the troubles of man. God did not endorse nor oppose any of the holy wars nor any of the stretches of peace. A wise man once said “I'd like to ask God why he allows starvation, wars, and murders to happen, but I'm afraid He will ask me the same question.” Our current world is mesmerized by the illusions of the “Flesh”. This is what Jesus meant when he spoke of “the world” and “the flesh” would become hypnotized by the bright colors sounds and emotions from the exterior experience. That we have forgotten the inner One. The exterior experience is only half of life. The inner experience is Our True nature, the “Image of God” we are all created in. The formless, the spirit, the eternal.
Where as the external experience is mortal and on borrowed time. Seeking truth in the interior experience is the only way you can find peace happiness and fulfillment and understanding in the exterior experience. It is impossible to do it the other way around. All esoteric or ancient wisdom centers around the inner path the inner truths being “the Way” and this then changing the individual's exterior experience. These ideas of inner experience and subjective truths appear to be suppressed to a great deal in today's Western society. Why have we forgotten these things? The logical motive for its repression is the same motives as the Catholic Church had with the Gnostics and the Cathars. This is why they killed them. Because their ideas threaten the power structure of both the church and state. The idea that man does not need a priest to know God nor a king to rule over him are dangerous notions to the powers that be.
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