"Do not search outward for Love. Instead remove all the things that are keeping you from it." -Rumi
I've realized that we all are Spiritual Beings having a human experience. This is not our prime reality. Science proves that. You are literally not the same body every 7 years. All our cells change, we are an energy pattern, blinking in and out of this physical reality.
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"War is a racket, its always been where young men go to die so a select few old men become wealthy." - Gen Smedley Butler (1923)
The Bible is cool, who knew? "Come let Us make man in Our image according to Our likeness" -Genesis 1:26 The Hebrew word "Elohim" is unmistakenly Plural. So is this refering to the Trinity? Are we made in the image of the Trinity? A multi-dimensional Divine Being? Or were there "Gods" who were involved in our creation. All ancient cultures point to "The Gods from heaven" making man.
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Lets see what BIble says, "The Sons of God came down and lay with the daughters of men. Who bore their children, who were giants, men of renown." Genesis 6:2 Sooo..that just said E.T.'s came from another planet and created hybrid children with human women. What? why didnt my sunday school teacher ever tell us that? Much more esoteric biblical stuff to come.
"Be the change you want to see in the world."--Gandhi
1,500th century painting with UFO |
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