God as the father is mentioned hundreds of times in the Bible. Humanity is referred to as God’s children and of course this analogy is used with Jesus the son. Let us imagine a loving God of our understanding. Let us open mindedly take a look at this analogy of father and son and hold it to the light of reason. The light of reason, logic, common sense, and our own experiences. Let us relate our own experiences as a child or more profoundly as a parent. I will begin by speaking of my personal experience as a father and my love for my son. I believe that I love my son unconditionally. Now unconditional love seems to be thrown around far too often without a real understanding of its definition. Would you say for example still unconditionally love your girlfriend if she killed your son and attack you with a knife almost stabbing you to death? For most people the answer would be no. Certainly at this stage of my spirituality don't believe I
could unconditionally love someone who did that to me and my son. Though I hope to strive to achieve that level of love.
However my son is a different story. I, like I'm sure many 20 something-year-old fathers did not know what to expect when you hold your child in your arms for the first time. For me, that day in the delivery room, I finally loved something more than myself. This was transformative. The fact that I now had someone that I would die for, changed the way I viewed the world forever. Now back to the previous example. My son could rape and murder 30 innocent people and attempt to kill me and I would still love him unconditionally. I would not fight to get him out of jail. I certainly would not condone that type of behavior. However I would visit him regularly in prison and tell him the truth, that I love him. I know I'm not alone in this ability to make exceptions of love and forgiveness even with such “sin” or atrocities. However he is my son and I look in his eyes and see myself, see the “image of me” he was created in. I have some strong unexplainable urge to protect, to love him.
We are just human beings according to most Christian theologians. The Bible tells us we are sinners we are born with this original sin which justifiably condemns us to eternal damnation. Eternal separation from our Father, from our Mother from our Creator. Now let us look at this through the open-minded eyes of Reason. If we are these damned sinners then how is it that we have the capacity for unconditional love and God does not? Where would we have inherited this ability to love someone beyond any rational way of thinking? This instinctual and fundamental knowing of unconditional love for our children? If we are made in the image of God the essence of God, how could this crowning achievement of the human condition be anything but God? This instinctual nature would have to be categorized as one of the most godly traits we possess. How could it be anything other than Divine? So why would our loving Father create children that would even have the possibility of spending eternity apart from Him? Why would our father or mother our Creator care what we thought he looked like? The human experience thus far could be categorized accurately, as ambiguous at best. I speak for myself in saying that I have never experienced God with any of my physical five senses. So I have never heard my father's voice, seen my father's face, placed my head to my Father's chest and wept. Our father has to know how ambiguous and confusing life is. As he watches all of his children throughout the world seek in many ways, to see his face, to hear his voice, and to feel His warm embrace.
With nothing to go on but various accounts of other men claiming to have spoken to our Father. As our Father looks at all of his children he could never judge or hold it against us if we did not believe these men’s accounts. He knows that unless He speaks directly to one of his children they are not obligated to believe any of man's tales. Man's history of being so-called “messengers of God” is suspicious at best. It doesn't take as long to see the destruction that these various messengers have brought. It does not take a genius to see man's manipulation, and lust for control, greed and selfishness. With much of this “Sinfulness” justified by man’s interpretation of god, or the complete fabrication as a being “messenger.” So far there hasn’t been proof of a certain god. Most take gravity for example as a fact. God thus far is nowhere near an absolute global agreement. So he is an Idea. God in His wisdom would, as the Bible said, read the heart. Which I see as meaning each individual's intentions. Intentions are everything. The “True seeker” whether Muslim ,Christian, Buddhist or Hindu all have the same intention. To find their Father. They all long to find meaning, to find that loving embrace, to find true validity of the Soul.
Now the means in which they go about this same intention are obviously different. The different religious beliefs create the thoughts, which create the emotions, and actions of the different Faiths. It is easy to see the conviction of certain religious zealots. The intention and conviction to blow yourself up for your Father is Faith at its highest form. That 17-year-old boy who just blew himself up, believes that he is doing his Father's (Allah’s) will. His intentions are the same as the pacifist. They both seek or intend to please their idea of God. They both “do God’s will.” So why would God care if you pictured him as a fat Asian men? Or a blue skinned Indian man with 12 arms? Or the Christ of Nazareth? Or Mohammed? Gandhi said, “Before the throne of the Almighty, man will be judged not by his acts but by his intentions. For God alone reads our hearts.” What a great Biblically accurate, and Godly quote from a “secular, non believer” from an evangelical Christian point of view.
Dear modern evangelical churches,
Research shows that 88% of children raised in the Church never go back after the age of 18. Jesus would come and chastise you as being the “false prophets, wolf in sheep’s clothing, and the Pharisees” which He rebuked. Society has evolved towards more accepting and altruistic thinking. Yet evolution seems to be a bad word to you. So you stay in your irrelevant superstitions, dogmas and ideas. You are blind to the fact that these beliefs and doctrine actually prevent you from being anything like Jesus. Why does this seem to be a common result? Could the attachment of the old testament god to Jesus, change our perception of "God"? The OTgod is for example jealous, full of wrath, anger, and very unforgiving. The OTgod murders, killing innocent women and children. Jesus says, "turn the other cheek." Jesus said, "Love your brother as yourself." and "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." If Jesus is God and God according to the Bible is "never changing..the begining and end" Then the blending of the two books is biblical impossible. You don't need AVOY to tell you this Truth, your bible does quite clearly. Jesus’s message was Love. He always said “I’m the Way, the Truth, the Light” meaning don’t worship me! Be like me, because you are like me. Jesus’s said, “Men will do what I have done and more..” The misinterpretations of the Bible have lead to the destructive creation of the “Savior Complex”…more of that to come…All my love
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